Moshir Caravanserai Yazd Hotel past the medieval architecture of Moshir iadegari, who at the time of mozaffaredin Shah's conquest at the hands of almmalec moshiri alley in the city of Yazd ancient and historic building. This hotel dates back to 150 years ago, ends in 1375 its reconstruction began and was inaugurated in the year 1385 and the list of national monuments record. Moshir karoansaray, which was the time the safe place residences have been suffering from tired travelers way, beautiful and eye-catching now hteli converter. Meals at the restaurant and hotel are equipped with seven colors of tile covering traditional and specific architecture it is dear to lhazati people's yadmandeni for passengers. Moshir Caravanserai in abode now belongs to the Qajar period and is dependent on the eve of the Holy Shrine and Jafar (as) host with modern facilities and standard, dear guests.